disjunction notice: a poetry archives

This is an open an invitation to contribute to Disjunction Notice: A Poetry Archives, a project that I am curating as part of the upcoming Wrong Digital Art Biennale (November 1, 2019 - March 1, 2020). A full info packet with background on the Wrong is available here.

the archives

I will be constructing a poetry archives hosted on a wrong router, a device that transmits text, image, sound, and interactive content via wi-fi signal. The router is offline, providing local access to the hosted content to anyone within range of the device. The poetry archive will be an experiment in a new method of dissemination, something between a reading and a journal or anthology. Like a poetry reading, the poems are experienced in a shared location for a limited time; like a journal or anthology, the poems occupy a material record, traces that readers/viewers/listeners can probe and pull apart. Like both reading and journal, an archives is full of whorls, generative of mishearing and disorientation. As with other kinds of archives, the poetry archive amasses: the various poems get messily implicated with each other; an archives becomes a whole, understood as an entity unto itself. As with other kinds of archives, the poetry archive is there until it isn't. For the duration of the biennale, I will have the router set up in the Information & Library Science Library at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill.


The poetry archives, under the name Disjunction Notice, will collect poems on the theme of networks—but starting from disjunction rather than connection as the operating principle. That is, beginning by inquiring into the set of conditions necessary for inter-connection, or how a network is founded on asymmetries. Attending to networks through the frame of disjunction highlights the points rife for interference and failure // those points that strengthen the signal. What networks might we imagine, but never build? What networks might we encounter, but never dismantle? Across this, I intend networks in the broadest possible sense, inclusive of the technological, inter-being, and the social.

the carrier

I hope you are interested in contributing a poem to the archive. The poem can comprise text, image, audio, video, code, or any combination of the above. If interested, please confirm with me (via email, below) by August 30, 2019 and plan to submit your poem for the archives by November 1, 2019. Also, please feel free to share this invitation to anyone you feel might be interested. The bigger an archives, the more it communicates.

Send all inquiries, poems, messages to ccolin@live.unc.edu