Walking the Road to Canterbury
I’ve been back at work now for almost a full semester, the spring term wrapping up in just a few weeks. After quite a rough start in which my kids’ […]
from the marble index
I’ve been back at work now for almost a full semester, the spring term wrapping up in just a few weeks. After quite a rough start in which my kids’ […]
In the last month or so, I’ve taken some initial steps on a new set of research questions: how do libraries develop, preserve, and provide access to collections of electronic […]
I was pretty overwhelmed by a mix of confusing emotions when this came in the mail a few weeks ago: It’s the latest issue of my favorite archives journal, Archivaria, […]
A short post in response to a short work: Andrew Plotkin’s Shade. This work begins in an apartment on the eve of a trip. As the player completes tasks in […]
I’m finding myself with limited time and attention stretched thin — my wife and I are at home on parental leave with our two-year-old daughter and two-month-old son, both children […]
Continuing my quest to delve deeper into interactive fiction, I’ve played through another three Infocom games: Plundered Hearts by Amy Briggs, Nord and Bert Couldn’t Make Head or Tail of […]
I read DH Lawrence’s Women in Love recently, and it got me thinking about repetition — in descriptive language and in some implications for game play. Throughout the book, I […]
I took a detour from the Infocom classics to engage with an IF classic of another stripe: Photopia (1998) by Adam Cadre. I’ve been following along with Aaron Reed’s absolutely […]
I continued my initiation into the IF wing of the e-lit estate by playing Wishbringer (1985) by Brian Moriarty. As a conscious attempt by Infocom to create an introductory-level game, […]
I have only just recently started to engage with interactive fiction works.1 I grew up playing video games of all kinds (starting with the Sega Genesis!) and I have been […]